The Reionization Effective Likelihood (RELIKE) is a fast and accurate likelihood code that compresses CMB large-scale E-mode polarization likelihoods (currently Planck 2018) for the purpose of constraining any models of the global ionization history.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

RELIKE: Reionization Effective Likelihood

RELIKE (Reionization Effective Likelihood) is a fast and accurate likelihood code that compresses the final Planck 2018 likelihoods for the purpose of constraining models of the global ionization history.

  • Using the python package relike, you can obtain the likelihood of any model of ionization history xe(z) in the range 6 < z < zmax.

  • The RELIKE code works by projecting the model onto the principal components (PC) of ionization history in the CMB data for its PC amplitudes mj's, which are used to quickly return the effective likelihood of the model; you may also use it to evaluate the likelihood at multiple points and plot the parameter posteriors.

  • To run an MCMC chain, you can either use the relike python package from inside of a sampler (e.g. Cobaya or Cosmosis), or use our release of CosmoMC-RELIKE which has an implementation of the relike code in fortran (both in KDE and Gaussian modes) used to produce published results.

  • Note that there are two modes of effective likelihoods, both are sufficiently accurate:

    • the kernel density estimate (KDE) mode, which is slightly more accurate;
    • the Gaussian approximation mode which is faster and also accurate. The python relike contains the Gaussian mode only, while CosmoMC-RELIKE has both.
  • The master branch contains latest changes to the main release version. The develop branch contains the latest less-stable features in development.

If you use this code, please cite Heinrich & Hu 2021 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.13998).

Release Note


  • Added relike: a standalone python likelihood package (supporting only python3).
  • Added CosmoMC-RELIKE: an MCMC implementation of RELIKE using the generic CosmoMC sampler.
  • Supporting arbitrary xe(z) specified by the user between 6 < z < 30; assuming fully reionized hydrogen and singly ionized helium at z < 6.
  • Planck likelihoods used: plik_lite_TTTEEE + lowl + Sroll2.

Getting Started

  • First, clone all submodules:

    git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/chenheinrich/RELIKE.git

  • If you don't want CosmoMC-RELIKE for now, just git clone and if you change your mind later, use

    git submodule update --init --recursive

  • To stay updated, use git submodule update --remote --merge beside git pull.

Installing relike: Python Likelihood Package

NEW: You can now install the latest stable release with a simple pip install relike. Note that we only support python3, so use pip3 and python3 if that's not your default python version. Once done, cd RELIKE and skip to "Running relike".

To install from source, use the following.

  • Install requirements first:

    (It is recommended to create a virtual environment with python 3.8. See for example https://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ for getting setup with python virtual envs).

    Activate the virtual environment

    cd RELIKE

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt (add --user when working on a cluster if you don't have a virual environment activated)

  • Install relike:

    pip3 install .

    For editable install:

    pip3 install -e .

Running relike:

  • To run tests:

    pytest tests

  • To play with relike using Jupyter notebooks:

    jupyter notebook examples/example.ipynb .

  • To run example script (same as in the demo Jupyter notebook):

    python3 examples/example.py

    This will run two examples: 1) print the relative chi-squared of an example tanh model relative to the Planck 2018 best-fit tanh model; 2) calculate and plot the optical depth posterior in the tanh model using relike.

Installing CosmoMC-RELIKE: MCMC Sampler + RELIKE in Fortran

CosmoMC-RELIKE uses the generic sampler of CosmoMC to sample the fortran implementation of the RELIKE likelihood.

You may need to update all submodules recursively like this:

git submodule update --init --recursive


See further installation instructions at CosmoMC-RELIKE