
A mock Redis server built with Finagle

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION


Build Status

A mock Redis server built with Finagle.

Fedis's main use is as a drop-in replacement for a Redis server in functional/system tests.

Note that Fedis stores all data in-memory. Nothing is persisted to disk.


  • Isolation of tests: Run tests in parallel, each talking to its own Fedis server, with no fear of tests interfering with each other's data.

  • Easy teardown: When your test is complete, just shut down Fedis. Nothing to cleanup.

How to use

import com.github.cb372.fedis.Server

// Start a server, passing in a few configuration options
val server = Server.build(Options(port = 6379,
                                  serverPassword = Some("secret"),
                                  threadPoolSize = 10))

// ... do something ...

// Don't forget to shut down the server once you're done with it


  • scala version 2.11.8

  • Using Maven:

        <name>Chris Birchall's Maven repo</name>
  • Using SBT:

       libraryDependencies ++ =Seq(
         "com.twitter" %% "finagle-redis" % "6.35.0" ,
         "com.twitter" % "util-logging_2.11" % "6.3.0",
         "com.twitter" % "util-app_2.11" % "6.35.0" ,
         "com.twitter" % "util-collection_2.11" % "6.35.0" ,
         "com.twitter" % "util-codec_2.11" % "6.35.0" ,
         "net.debasishg" % "redisclient_2.11" % "3.4" % "test",
         "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.0.4" % "test"
    //  resolvers += "Chris Birchall's Maven repo" at "http://cb372.github.com/m2/releases"
    //   libraryDependencies += "com.github.cb372" %% "fedis" % "1.3.0"

Supported commands

See the Wiki page.


  • Performance: Don't expect the blazing speed of Redis!