Primary LanguagePython


Hierarchical Variational Memory Network for Dialogue Generation

About the corpus

JD customer service corpus consists of online retailing customer service dialogues. In JD corpus, each conversation is conducted between a customer and a customer service staff. The corpus contains more than 420,000 dialogues sessions.

How to get JD Customer Service corpus?

Complete the form online(https://goo.gl/forms/9t4eKakWUAM1Z2192), and we will send you the corpus by e-mail, Or, mail to ac#chenhongshen.com ('#'->'@') to access the corpus.


About me: https://www.chenhongshen.com

I'm always looking for highly self-motivated students (Undergraduate/Graduate) to work with me as research interns.

Full-time NLP research scientists are hiring. You will get opportunities to stand at the frontier of both the academic and the real industrial applications.

Candidates who are interested in working with me are welcome to send me your resume. Email: ac#chenhongshen.com (#-->@)


The original copyright of all the conversations belongs to the source owner.

The copyright of annotation belongs to our group, and they are free to the public.

The dataset is only for research purposes. Without permission, it may not be used for any commercial purposes and distributed to others.


We appreciate your citation if you find our dataset is beneficial.

  title={Hierarchical Variational Memory Network for Dialogue Generation},
  author={Chen, Hongshen and Ren, Zhaochun and Tang, Jiliang and Zhao, Yihong Eric and Yin, Dawei},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference on World Wide Web},
  organization={International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee}