
Coding practice with angularjs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

1) Add a new field to the model called Author
2) Add a new field to the model called creation date
3) Add a new field to the model called file size
4) Make the column headings clickable and clicking them should cycle
through sorting by ascending, descending and no order
5) Add a search row below the heading row, each column contains a search
field. Entering a value in the search field should filter data only based on
values in that column (unlike the search above the table which filters
based on data in any field)
6) Add another action next to the pencil icon on each row to delete the

Bonus Points:

7) Add a cart area and provide the ability to drag and drop the libraries
into this cart. The cart should display each library as a cart item with
name and file size. Below the cart, the total file size should be
8) Integrate with any charting/visualization library and present the data
either based on creation date or file size. Any other visualizations are