Projects developed during the Spring 2017 Computational Audio course at Boston University.
- 798714773Linyi, Shandong, China
- abjutusTaiwan
- Adri-V
- amagumori
- amieyen
- Brassack
- chazuSDF-1
- DovahZul
- eggplantinyKT corp.
- eltsaiCSE PhD Student at Umich
- ericjanto@smartdatafoundry
- everypreciousday
- gloriadesideri
- hakz-00
- HerbertYu
- JoshOldenburgFlorida
- junncaoHua Zhong University of Science and Technology
- leannejdongSpaceTimeIT
- LSharpreturn float.Infinity;
- marinodoradorSeattle, Washington
- meowmeow123221Peking University
- mingleeeeeeTaipei, Taiwan
- mmrahman-utexasDeepX, Inc.
- nahueldebellis
- oakaigh@Retmax
- rhelsingAccord Systems, LLC
- Sakanayur
- SoHappyZkxBeijing
- Splend1d
- tejonaco
- ThadeuLuzCAIO and Founder @Hand-Talk
- thicolares@shopify
- tomduncalf@figma
- uceclz0
- vkc19
- yuandongzhongFoshan, China