
Fix the problems about electron frameless and transparent window, such as using maximize() can not emit 'maximize' event

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fix the problems about electron frameless and transparent window, such as using maximize() can not emit 'maximize' event.


// main.js
const { app } = require('electron')
const { plugin } = require('electron-frameless-window-plugin')

app.on('ready', () => {

  setGlobal: true
}) // apply to each window


// app.js

function createWindow () {
  const framelessPlugin = require('electron-frameless-window-plugin')
  const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(windowOptions)

    browserWindow: mainWindow,
    fixDragRegion: false
  }) // apply to mainWindow

app.on('ready', () => {


  • setGlobal (default: false) Apply to each window through 'browser-window-created' event
  • fixTransparent (default: true) Rewrite transparent window instance's methods (.getNormalBounds().maximize().unmaximize().isMaximized()). Fix where 'maximize' and 'unmaximize' events cannot be emitted when calling maximize() and unmaximize() methods. Also fix isMaximized() and getNormalBounds() methods.
  • fixDragRegion (default: true) Fix the behavior double clicking on the title bar and dragging the title bar when window is maximized
  • noDragRegionMenu (default: true) Disable to display window menu when right click on the title bar.
  • easyHideFromFullScreen (default: true) Add window instance method .hideFromFullScreen(). It is useful on macOS when we click the close button and want the window to be hidden instead of closed
  • browserWindow (default: undefined) The BrowserWindow instance you need to apply single.