This PHP library will allow anyone to easily send SMS messages to any US-based mobile phone number with a one line function call.

Primary LanguagePHP


This PHP library will allow anyone to easily send SMS messages to any US-based mobile phone number with a one line function call.

Installation Instructions

Download phpSMS.php and include it on any page you want to send SMS messages.

Simple Example

	$result = sendSMS($_POST['senderEmail'], $_POST['message'], $_POST['phoneNumber'], $_POST['carrier']);

		foreach($result->errors as $error){
			echo $error . "\n";
		echo "SMS Message successfully sent\n";

sendSMS has four parameters (all required):

  1. senderEmail: The email address you want the recipient to see the message coming from.
  2. message: The text message you want to send. (160 character limit)
  3. phoneNumber: The mobile phone number you want to send a SMS message to.
  4. carrier: The service provider for the phone number being messaged.


A live demo can be found at http://dbcoding.com/phpSMS


Devon Bernard


  • If all data is entered properly, but you select the wrong service carrier:
    • sendSMS() will return true
    • The recipient will NOT recieve the message you attempted to send them
  • Possible future plans to try and build custom Carrier Lookup so it's not required to submit a carrier for each message