
Using the timeline

The timeline is included in the GameWorld allows scheduling spawn events to occur throughout the game. The time line is to be set up during init() and queried in the gameLoop() to find out if spawning new object is required, or the game has ended.

    private Timeline timeline;

    public void initializeTimeline()
        // create and array objects that will be spawned in a given event
        ArrayList<GameObject> bugs = new ArrayList();
        bugs.add(new Bug(10,10,10,20));
        bugs.add(new Bug(10,10,10,20));
        bugs.add(new Bug(10,10,10,20));
        bugs.add(new Bug(10,10,10,20));
        // initialize the timeline
        this.timeline = new Timeline();
        // a new event, will trigger 5 seconds into the game, will spawn all the game objects in 'bugs'
        this.timeline.addEvent(new SpawnEvent(bugs, 5 * 1000));
        // a new GameOverEvent, will trigger 20 seconds into the game and indicate game is over.
        this.timeline.addEvent(new GameOverEvent(20 * 1000));

Start timeline (before entering gameloop())

    public void run()
        // start the timeline 

Using timeline to determine if a new event has occurred (in gameloop())

    private void updateObjects(double elapsed)
        // ask timeline for next event
        TimelineEvent event = timeline.getNextEvent();

        // if no event has occurred, it'll come back as null!
        if(event != null){
            // event might be a gameover event 

            // get object to create from event and set them to get created

Using Logging

The Logging class provides a global logging solution.

One time application configuration:

import utilities.logging.Logger;
import utilities.logging.ConsoleLoggerFactory;
import utilities.logging.FileLoggerFactory;
import utilities.logging.Logging;

public static void main(String[] args)
    Logging.setLoggerFactory(new FileLoggerFactory(Constants.LOG_FILE_PATH));    

Usage anywhere

Logging.getLogger(CurrentClass.class.getName()).info("information message");

A logger may also be stored in a class member for continuous usage throughout the class.

private AbstractLogger logger;

public ObjectClass(){
    this.logger = Logging.getLogger(ObjectClass.class.getName());

this.logger.debug("x:" + obj.x);

this.logger.error("Unable to add new object with id: " +;

Example log entries

2019-33-15 10:33:10::utilities.logging.Logging::INFO::Started logging..
2019-33-15 10:33:10::main.Main::INFO::Starting Game

git quick guide

First time ever?

  1. Install git!
  2. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. enter the working directory
cd AntCraft

Want to start to write some code?

  1. Make sure you have the most recent version of the code
git pull
  1. Create your own branch
git checkout -b feature/new_branch_desctiptive_name
  1. Write code like crazy

Ready to share with the world?

  1. Commit your work
git commit -m -a "short comment describing what changed since the last commit"
  • commit is local, you may do that as often as you wish. Usualy when you're finished writing some part of the feature, and you're happy with it but the feature is not yet done.
  1. Push to remote branch
git push origin feature/new_branch_desctiptive_name

this will create a new branch on the server with your commited work

  1. When you're ready, open a pull request on github requesting to merge your branch into master.

Ready to work on the next feature?

Make sure you're back on the master branch, before making another new one

git checkout master