
ELK : elasticsearch + logstash + kibana

Primary LanguageShell


ELK : elasticsearch + logstash + kibana

Forwarder : filebeat port 5044


  • OS : Centos 7.x
  • Docker engine > 1.12.x
  • Docker-compose > 1.11.x

Clone GIT folder under your user home

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/easonlau02/elasticstack.git

Now support 4 version for you to choose below way to up service


below take version 6.1.2 for example.

The Simplest way to start all component:

  1. Usage
cd ~/elasticstack/
chmod +x auto_up_elk_service.sh
usage: ./up_service.sh <linux|mac>  <5.3.1 5.6.3 6.0.1 6.1.2> <your_hostname>
  • For linux user
./auto_up_elk_service.sh linux 6.1.2
  • For Mac user
./auto_up_elk_service.sh mac 6.1.2 <your_hostname>

The second way to start all component by version folder

  1. Change config if you are using docker-for-mac under MAC
  • Replace <your_es_host> with your running host for below config
  1. Startup ELK service at one machine
  • For linux user
cd ~/elaticstack/6.1.2
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml.linux up -d
  • For Mac user
cd ~/elasticstack/6.1.2
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml.docker_for_mac up -d
  1. Access kibana via <kibanahost>:5601, you can see below screenshot alt text alt text

You can see Unable to fetch mapping. Do you have indices match..., caused by no log feed.


We managed all config file in images eason02/elk-data-volume:6.1.2, so if you need to change/add config for below folder.


And then run below related scripts to build new config image eason02/elk-data-volume:6.1.2.

cd ~/elasticstack/6.1.2/
chmod +x build_data_volumes_for_elk.sh

Restart elk service to take effect.

  • For linux user:
cd ~/elasticstack/6.1.2/
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml.linux restart
  • For Mac user:
cd ~/elasticstack/6.1.2/
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml.docker_for_mac restart

Feedback and new requirement

  1. Fork it (https://github.com/easonlau02/elasticstack/fork)
  2. Comment below/requirement or raise issue