
Career Cup C++ Solutions

Primary LanguageC

# Author: J. Liu, B. Fu
# Email: mitkook@gmail.com, fb8fb8@gmail.com

Git: https://github.com/mitkook/Career-Cup-CPP-Solutions.wiki.git

This project try to implement career cup 150 (ver. 4.0) exercises using C++. 
However, it would not cover Chapter 6 & 7.
It will provides several well-known algorithms and data structures implementations.

IDE: Eclipse 
Linux Compiler: Linux GCC , GNU's g++
Windows Compiler: MinGW GCC, CDT Internal Builder

NOTE: Please configure your compiler and "gcc include" path before compiling this project.
1. right-click your project name
2. select 'Properties' (normally is last one)
3. C/C++ Build -> Tool Chain Editor : 
   Current toolchain: (select your own compiler)
   Current builder: GNU Make Builder
4. Make sure your gcc library path is correct:
   C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> GNU C++ (e.g., ..\MinGW\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.6.2\include\c++)
5. Done. 

PS: For C++11 (gcc 4.7.x) user: right-click the project and go to "Properties"
1. C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Tool Settings -> GCC C++ Compiler -> Miscellaneous -> Other Flags. Put "-std=c++0x" at the end
2. C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Symbols -> GNU C++. Click "Add..." and paste "__GXX_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX0X__" into "Name" and leave "Value" blank.