Autonomous driving simulator for CS6244 course project
The simulator has only been tested under the following system settings. There is no guarantee that it will work in other variants. To avoid unnessary difficulties, we suggest that you to follow the instructions below closely.
Install the recommended Ubuntu version on a clean partition of the hard disk. The following tutorial gives you an example on how to install Ubuntu along with Windows. (This tutorial has been updated for Ubuntu 16.04, but the steps are the same for 14.04)
Note that our simulator runs in ROS indigo. Please make sure you choose the correct version.
The following link gives you detailed instructions on how to install ROS indigo on Ubuntu. (Please choose "Desktop-Full Install")
If you are new to ROS, I suggest you go through a quick tutorial on the website before you dig into the simulator.
Our simulator follows rosbuild, so please choose the right version when you go through the tutorial.
git clone
Add your path to $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, so the system can find it. You can do it as follows:
cd ~/
vim .bashrc (or whatever editor you like)
add the follwing line at the end of your .bashrc file
export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH:[your path to]/cs6244_motionplanning/
- source ~/.bashrc
When you build the packages, the compiler might tell you [xxx] package can not be found. You can easily install them by following the commands below:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-[package name]
This is the package you will work on. You need to
cd autocar/
This package provides some basic functionalities for the simulator, and you do not have worry about it. All you need to do is
cd mpav/MPAVUtil/
cd mpav/Steering_Control/
sudo apt-get install python-pygame
Now you are going to try a simple task of using keyboard to drive a car in the simulator.
Steps to follow:
roslaunch autocar test.launch
make sure the small pygame window in on the top of your screen
Now you can drive the car in the simulator using the arrow keys. Congrats!
Please refer to the following google doc.