We implemented two PostSI schedulers, one for a single server with an Shared-Everything (SE) architecture, one for MPP platforms based with an Shared-Nothing(SN) architecture. For comparison purpose, we also implemented two conventional SI schedulers for the SE and SN architectures respectively. You can view our source code in GitHub. The code works only with the Linux operating system and the GCC compiler.
You can download our code from the master branch of our postsi repository, simply using the command below:
git clone https://github.com/jlumqz/postsi.git
The single-machine versions are easy to install. You can just use the commands below to complete the installation.
cd postsi
cd stand-alone
cd SE_SI
The PostSI have the similar steps as above:
cd postsi
cd stand-alone
cd SE_PostSI
Each distributed version is composed of a master program and a slave program:
The source code of the slave and the master are located in different directories. You need to compile them separately.
Before running the slave nodes, you must run the master node firstly. This order cannot be changed. Or the slave will not start normally.
You can run the two MPP versions either in a single-machine environment (using loop IP address) or in a cluster environment. To switch the environment, you need to configure the
cd postsi
cd distributed
cd SN_SI
cd SN_master
cd postsi
cd distributed
cd SN_SI
cd SI_slave
cd postsi
cd distributed
cd SN_PostSI
cd PostSI_master
cd postsi
cd distributed
cd SN_SI
cd PostSI_slave
Details can be found in the README.md of the GitHub repository.
Have fun :)