
ARM template for ubuntu docker host VM behind NLB with multiple IPs

Deploy DockerExtension on Ubuntu (POC)

This template installs DockerExtension on single Ubuntu VM behind a NLB.

Public IP provided for HTTP/80 and SSH/22 access directly to VM:

  • {dnsLabelPrefix}.{region}.cloudapp.azure.com

3 additional public IPs are provided on the NLB with the following rules:

  • {dnsLabelPrefix}0.{region}.cloudapp.azure.com
    • port 80 => 8000
    • port 18010 => 18000
  • {dnsLabelPrefix}1.{region}.cloudapp.azure.com
    • port 80 => 8001
    • port 18010 => 18001
  • {dnsLabelPrefix}2.{region}.cloudapp.azure.com
    • port 80 => 8002
    • port 18010 => 18002