
The MOF website for property prediction and community engagement.

Primary LanguageC++


The MOF website for property prediction and community engagement. Tested on Chrome Version 93.0.4577.82, Safari Version 15.0, Firefox 92.0, and Edge 94.0.992.37.

How to run MOFSimplify locally (tested on Python 3.8.5):

  • Install Flask, molSimplify, and any other necessary dependencies.
  • Run python app.py to start a server instance.
  • Go to http://localhost:8000/ in your browser (or whatever address app.py prints)
  • Quit and re-run python app.py every time you make changes to the frontend or backend.

Structure of MOFSimplify:

  • Backend: app.py
  • Frontend: index.html
    • Dependencies: Contained in libraries/ folder (including Bootswatch theme).
    • HTML: Any lines inside the <body> tag.
    • JavaScript: Any lines inside the <script> tag.
    • CSS: Any lines inside the <style> tag.
    • Interactive elements: Look at the Javascript code inside the <script> tag at the bottom of the file.