MATLAB implementation of AManPG

Primary LanguageMATLAB


MATLAB implementation of AManPG

documentation by: Shixiang Chen chenshxiang@gmail.com The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2019


This package contains the code used in the paper " An Alternating Manifold Proximal Gradient Method for Sparse PCA and Sparse CCA".

This code has been tested to run in MATLAB R2018b.

If you use this code in an academic paper, please cite our paper: Shixiang Chen, Shiqian Ma, Lingzhou Xue and Hui Zou. An Alternating Manifold Proximal Gradient Method for Sparse PCA and Sparse CCA. 2019.

  • SPCA&SCCA\SCCA\demo_amanpg_scca : AManPG solves SCCA problem on random data
  • SPCA&SCCA\SPCA\demo_SPCA_zou: AManPG solves SPCA problem on random data




If you have any questions or find any bugs, feel free to contact Shixiang Chen chenshxiang@gmail.com.