What is in this repository?

This repo saves my reading notes and thoughts on a list of selected academic papers and work related articles. For each article, I list the title, list of authors, and other relevant information. At the end of each item, you can find a hyperlink that links to my notes.

Reading list

NSF CAREER: Inquisitive Programming Environments as Learning Environments for Novices and Experts. Austin Henley. 2021

Polyjuice: Generating Counterfactuals for Explaining, Evaluating, and Improving Models. Wu, T., ACL-IJCNLP 2021.

Moore's Law for Everything by Sam Altman. https://moores.samaltman.com/


Notes of papers and articles I read

(2022-6-5) Human-AI interaction: intermittent, continuous, and proactive. Berkel, et al. ACM Interaction (2021) Notes

(2022-5-28) Better Together? An Evaluation of AI-Supported Code Translation. Weisz, et al. IUI (2021). Notes

(2022-3-1) Austin, et al. Program synthesis with large language models arXiv:2108.07732 (2021). Notes

(2022-2-27) Neural Language Models are Effective Plagiarists. Biderman, Stella, and Edward Raff. arXiv:2201.07406 (2022). Notes

(2022-2-27) Jigsaw: Large Language Models meet Program Synthesis. GJain, Naman et al. ICSE 2022. Notes

(2022-2-26) Genline and genform: Two tools for interacting with generative language models in a code editor. Jiang, Ellen, et al. UIST 2021. Notes

(2022-2-26) Sporq: An Interactive Environment for Exploring Code using Query-by-Example. Naik, Aaditya, et al. UIST 2021. Notes

(2022-2-25 ) Are visual explanations useful? a case study in model-in-the-loop prediction. E. Chu, et al. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.12248 (2020). Notes

(2022-2-23) Proxy tasks and subjective measures can be misleading in evaluating explainable AI systems Buçinca, Zana, et a. IUI, 2020. Notes

(2022-2-21) Onboarding Materials as Cross-functional Boundary Objects for Developing AI Assistants. Cai, Carrie J., et al. CHI 2021. Notes

(2022-2-20) Promptiverse: Scalable Generation of Scaffolding Prompts through Human-AI Knowledge Graph Annotation. Yoonjoo Lee, et al. CHI2022 Notes

(2022-2-19) PL and HCI: Better together. Sarah Chasins, et al. Communications of The ACM, 2021. Notes

(2022-2-19) Loopholes: a Window into Value Alignment and the Learning of Meaning. Sophie Bridgers, et al. NeurIPS Workshop 2021. Notes

(2022-2-18) Bot in the Bunch: Facilitating Group Chat Discussion by Improving Efficiency and Participation with a Chatbot. Soomin Kim, et al. CHI 2020. Notes

(2022-2-18) Program synthesis using natural language.Desai, Aditya, Sumit Gulwani, Vineet Hingorani, Nidhi Jain, Amey Karkare, Mark Marron, and Subhajit Roy. ICSE 2016. Notes

(2022-2-16) Why distance matters: effects on cooperation, persuasion and deception. Bradner, Erin, and Gloria Mark. CSCW 2002. Notes

(2022-2-15) A multi-institutional study of peer instruction in introductory computing. Porter, Leo, Dennis Bouvier, Quintin Cutts, Scott Grissom, Cynthia Lee, Robert McCartney, Daniel Zingaro, and Beth Simon. SIGCSE 2016. Notes

(2022-2-14) Guidelines for human-AI interaction. Amershi, S., Weld, D., Vorvoreanu, M., Fourney, A., Nushi, B., Collisson, P., Suh, J., Iqbal, S., Bennett, P.N., Inkpen, K. and Teevan, J. CHI 2019. Notes

(2022-2-13) Program synthesis with pragmatic communication. Pu Y, Ellis K, Kryven M, Tenenbaum J, Solar-Lezama A. NeurIPS 2020. Notes