Spring Boot 3 Microservices

This repository contains the latest source code of the spring-boot-microservices tutorial

You can watch the tutorial on Youtube here


  • api-gateway:This service is an API Gateway to the internal backend services
    • TechStack: Spring Boot, Spring Cloud Gateway, Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker, Resilience4J, SpringDoc, Prometheus, Zipkin, Loki
  • inventory-service:This services provides REST API for managing inventory.
    • TechStack: Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, MySQL, SpringDoc, Prometheus, Zipkin, Loki
  • notification-service:This services provides REST API for sending notifications.
    • TechStack: Spring Boot, Spring Kafka, Avro, Mail, SpringDoc, Prometheus, Zipkin, Loki
  • order-service:This services provides REST API for managing orders.
    • TechStack: Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, MySQL, Spring Kafka, Avro, Spring Cloud CircuitBreaker, Resilience4J, Spring WebFlux, SpringDoc, Prometheus, Zipkin, Loki
  • product-service:This services provides REST API for managing products and catalogs.
    • TechStack: Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Mongodb, SpringDoc, Prometheus, Zipkin, Loki

Tech Stack

  • Building Spring Boot REST APIs
  • Creating Aggregated Swagger Documentation at API Gateway
  • Database Persistence using Spring Data JPA, MySQL, Mongodb, Flyway
  • Distributed Tracing using Zipkin
  • Distributed Logging using Loki
  • Event Driven Async Communication using Spring Kafka and avro
  • Implementing API Gateway using Spring Cloud Gateway
  • Implementing Resiliency using Resilience4j
  • Using WebClient, Declarative HTTP Interfaces to invoke other APIs
  • Local Development Setup using Docker, Docker Compose and Testcontainers
  • Monitoring & Observability using Grafana, Prometheus, Tempo
  • Testing using JUnit 5, RestAssured, Testcontainers, Awaitility, WireMock
  • Deployment to Kubernetes using Kind

Application Architecture


Local Development Setup

  • Install Java 21 and Maven 3. Recommend using SDKMAN.
  • Install Docker. Recommend using OrbStack for Macos.
  • Install IntelliJ IDEA or any of your favorite IDE
  • Install Postman or any REST Client

How to build the backend services

Run the following command to build and package the backend services into a docker container

mvn spring-boot:build-image -DskipTests

If you want to push the docker images to your docker hub account, you can use the following command.

mvn spring-boot:build-image -DskipTests \
  -Ddocker.publishRegistry.username=user \
  -Ddocker.publishRegistry.password=secret \

The above command will build and package the services into a docker container and push it to your docker hub account.

How to run the services

Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

Start Kind Cluster

Run the k8s/kind/create-cluster.sh script to create the kind Kubernetes cluster


This will create a kind cluster and pre-load all the required docker images into the cluster, this will save you time downloading the images when you deploy the application.

Deploy the infrastructure

Run the k8s/manisfests/infrastructure.yaml file to deploy the infrastructure

kubectl apply -f k8s/manifests/infrastructure

Deploy the services

Run the k8s/manifests/applications.yaml file to deploy the services

kubectl apply -f k8s/manifests/applications

Access the API Gateway

To access the API Gateway, you need to port-forward the gateway service to your local machine

kubectl port-forward svc/api-gateway 9000:9000

Access the Grafana Dashboards

To access the Grafana dashboards, you need to port-forward the grafana service to your local machine

kubectl port-forward svc/grafana 3000:3000

Delete Kind Cluster

Run the k8s/kind/create-cluster.sh script to create the kind Kubernetes cluster
