Primary LanguagePython

Saliency Guided Inter and Intra-Class Relation Constraints for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation


This is the source code for our paper Saliency Guided Inter and Intra-Class Relation Constraints for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Network Architecture

The architecture of our proposed approach is as follows network


  • Install PyTorch 1.7.0 with Python 3 and CUDA 11.0

  • Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/chentao2016/I2CRC.git

Download PASCAL VOC 2012


  • Download our trained model checkpoint_69.3.pth and put it in the segmentation/data/models folder
cd segmentation

python main.py test --config-path configs/voc12.yaml --model-path data/models/checkpoint_69.3.pth

python main.py crf --config-path configs/voc12.yaml


cd classification
  • Download the pre-computed saliency map. (You need to go to utils/LoadData.py and set the path Line 100.) Then train the classification model and obtain CAM.
  • Generate the pseudo labels
python gen_gt.py
  • Then train the segmentation model with pseudo labels . (You need to set the path for pseudo labels.)
cd segmentation
python main.py train --config-path configs/voc12.yaml
  • Get the initial prediction for trainaug images. (You need to go to configs/voc12.yaml and set DATASET.SPLIT.VAL = train_aug. Set it back to val when testing)
python trainaug_pred.py test --config-path configs/voc12.yaml \
    --model-path data/models/voc12/deeplabv2_resnet101_msc/train_aug/checkpoint_final.pth

python trainaug_pred.py crf --config-path configs/voc12.yaml -j 10
  • Generate the refined pseudo labels
cd classification
python label_refinement.py
  • Train the segmentation model with the refined pseudo labels. (You need to set the path for refined pseudo labels.)
cd segmentation
python main.py train --config-path configs/voc12.yaml