
React linear gradient button component

code style: prettier



$ npm install react-linear-gradient-button


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import GradientButton from 'react-linear-gradient-button';

const Basic extends components {
  render() {
    return <GradientButton content="BUTTON" />;

ReactDOM.render(<Basic />, document.getElementById('root'));



Props Type Default Description
content String || Node Required Content of the button.
theme String "Vanusa" Gradient theme from uigradients.
disabled Bool false Should render a disabled button.
gradient [String] null Array of colors (e.g., ['#f00b47', '#0f6bb6'], [rgba(255,0,0,0), rgba(255,0,0,1)]).
NOTE: this props has higher level then theme.
angle String "right" The angle or direction of linear gradient (e.g., "bottom", "30deg").
Check Using Angles section on w3schools/css3_gradients for more information.
padding Number || String || [Number] || [String] 10 The CSS padding argument of the button. Could be an array of four sides, just like CSS.
Unit is px.
borderRadius Number 20 The CSS border-radius argument of the button.
Unit is px.
borderWith Number 2 The CSS border-width argument of the button.
Unit is px.
background String "#fff" The CSS background-color argument of the button.
color String "#ae3560" The CSS color argument of the button.
fontSize Number 16 The CSS font-size argument of the button.
transition Object See following The CSS transition argument of the button. String "all" The CSS transition-property argument of the button.
transition.duration Number 0.2 The CSS transition-duration argument of the button.
Unit is second.
transition.timingFunction String "ease-in-out" The CSS transition-timing-function argument of the button.
transition.delay Number 0 The CSS transition-delay argument of the button.
Unit is second.


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