
Eve Online market aggregator that calculates optimal uses for in-game currencies

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project has been moved to a private repo. The version here is publically accessible for educational/expository purposes.

The Eve LP Calculator (ELC) is a Django project that performs market aggregation and optimizes the use of currencies in Eve Online.

This particular release contains files for it to run in an Apache environment, hosted on Linux, although, like any Django project, it can be configured to run on a multitude of machines.

Some files containing sensitive information, like "elc/apache/settings_production.py" are not committed. See ".gitignore" for more ignored files.

More documentation is forthcoming.


-main.py is not used anywhere.

Regarding 'settings.py':

-The 'site' level (elc) settings.py isn't included due to apache's mod_wsgi needing it's own config (settings_production.py in apache dir).
-If invoking manage.py complains it can't find settings.py, you can copy the contents of settings_production.py into a settings.py file located in the 'elc' dir. However, when running normally through apache, 'settings.py' will be ignored in lieu of 'settings_production.py'.
-Additionally, settings_production.py has had it's password redacted, so you will need to enter that yourself each time you checkout that file.

Static Files:
-Normally, one would edit the static files for each app and then do a 'python manage.py collectstatic' to update/copy those app-specific static files to the global static dir. I DO NOT DO THIS, as it is a PITA to do so after each edit of a CSS file, etc, so I have been editing the files in the top-level static dir instead. Therefore, static files in the app directories may be different (older) than the versions in the top static dir.

-Using the patch here: https://github.com/selwin/django-tables2/commit/efbbd9ea3e611a6bbf8c9b5f8e8d17d3b1abab6c
-This enables the checking of what column a cell is a member of in the template.