
A plugin to open files (automatic choose the proper application using config in vimrc) in vim.

Primary LanguageVim Script


A plugin to open files (automatic choose the proper application using config in vimrc) in vim.


add this in your .vimrc:

"{{{ plugin- deal with filelist
noremap <leader>co :call OpenFileWithDefApp()<cr>
noremap <leader>rm :call DelFile()<cr>
noremap <leader>cd :call ChDir()<cr>
noremap <leader>to :call CopyFile()<cr>
let g:applist={
            \'mp3,wma,fla':'!mocp %',
            \'rar':'!unrar l %',
            \'epub':'!calibre %',
            \'zip':'!unzip -O CP936 -l %',
            \'default':':e %'


when met with a file path in your vim. like:

/home/cxh/C++ Primer中文版(第4版).pdf

you can put cursor on it and press co to open it with evince.

supports line number linke: a.txt:11

need visualmark.vim to have a strinking effect.