
Porting Ubuntu's Unity Shell to Fedora

Primary LanguageShell

Build order:

(TESTPKG: dbus-test-runner)

01: gtk2-ubuntu                    -> GTK toolkit 2.0 with Ubuntu patches
02: gtk3-ubuntu                    -> GTK toolkit 3.0 with Ubuntu patches
03: libdbusmenu                    -> Library for passing menus over DBus
04: libindicator                   -> Symbols and functions for indicators
05: libindicate                    -> Libraries to raise 'flags' over DBUS
06: libindicate-qt                 -> Qt bindings for libindicate
07: libappindicator                -> Library to export menu bar to Unity
08: appmenu-gtk                    -> Application menu module for GTK+
09: dee                            -> Synchronize multiple instances over DBus
10: libunity                       -> Library for integrating Unity
11: libunity-misc                  -> Differently licensed stuff for Unity
12: indicator-messages             -> Collects messages that need a response
13: libunity-webapps               -> Library for integrating WebApps into Unity
14: bamf                           -> Application matching framework
15: sni-qt                         -> Turns Qt tray icons into appindicators
16: ido                            -> Widgets and objects used for indicators
17: libaccounts-glib               -> Account mgmt. library for GLib apps
18: libaccounts-qt                 -> Qt library for Single Sign On
19: signon                         -> Single Sign On Framework
20: signon-ui                      -> Online Accounts Sign On UI
21: libsignon-glib                 -> Authentication mgmt. library for GLib apps
22: signon-keyring-extension       -> GNOME Keyring extension for signond
23: signon-plugin-oauth2           -> Oauth2 plugin for the SSO Framework
24: gsettings-desktop-schemas-ubuntu -> Shared GSettings schemas for the desktop
25: gnome-settings-daemon-ubuntu   -> Daemon handling the GNOME session settings
26: gnome-session-ubuntu           -> GNOME Session Manager
27: gnome-control-center-ubuntu    -> Utilities to configure the GNOME desktop
28: gnome-control-center-signon    -> GNOME Control Center extension for SSO
29: unity-asset-pool               -> Design assets for Unity
30: account-plugins                -> Online Accounts Plugins
31: activity-log-manager           -> Activity Log Manager for Zeitgeist
32: gnome-screensaver-ubuntu       -> Screensaver and screen locking for GNOME
33: indicator-applet               -> GNOME panel indicator applet
34: indicator-application          -> Takes menus and puts them in the panel
35: indicator-appmenu              -> An indicator to host the menus from apps
36: indicator-datetime             -> A very, very simple clock
37: indicator-power                -> Indicator to show battery information
38: indicator-printers             -> Indicator showing active print jobs
39: indicator-session              -> Indicator for session management
40: indicator-sound                -> Indicator displaying a unified sound menu
41: notify-osd                     -> ##########################################
42: network-manager-applet-ubuntu  -> NetworkManager applet (Fedora 18 only)
43: overlay-scrollbar              -> Overlay scrollbars for GTK2 and GTK 3
44: plasma-widget-menubar          -> KDE Plasma widget to display global menus
45: xfce4-indicator-plugin         -> XFCE 4 panel plugin to display indicators
46: evemu                          -> Linux Evdev Event Emulation Library
47: frame                          -> Open Input Framework Frame Library
48: xorg-x11-proto-ubuntu-devel    -> X.Org X11 protocol headers
49: libXfixes-ubuntu               -> X.Org fixes extension library
50: xorg-x11-server-ubuntu         -> Xorg X11 server
51: grail                          -> Gesture recognition and instantiation lib.
52: geis                           -> Implementation of the GEIS interface
53: nux                            -> An OpenGL toolkit
54: nautilus-ubuntu                -> File manager and graphics shell for GNOME
55: python-oauthlib                -> Python implementation of OAuth
56: libcolumbus                    -> Small, fast, error tolerant matcher
57: unity-lens-applications        -> Unity applications lens
58: unity-lens-files               -> Unity files lens
59: unity-lens-music               -> Unity music lens
60: python3-distutils-extra        -> Enhancements to Python's distutils
61: unity-lens-photos              -> Unity photos lens
62: unity-lens-video               -> Unity video lens
63: compiz                         -> Compiz core components
64: unity                          -> Ubuntu's desktop shell (Ubuntu 12.10 ver)