
An implementation of the CVPR best paper Dynamic Fusion

Primary LanguageC++




QTDIR 设置 C:\Qt\Qt5.4.2\5.4\msvc2013_64



Kinect is KINECTSDK10_DIR is set as

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Kinect\v1.8\

	volume_resolution[0] = 256;
	volume_resolution[1] = 256;
	volume_resolution[2] = 256;
	voxels_per_meter = 256;

	/** *****************************************************
	* marching cube related
	* ******************************************************/
	marching_cube_level = 0;
	marching_cube_tile_size = 256;
	marching_cube_max_activeVoxel_ratio = 0.2;
	marching_cube_isoValue = 0.f;
	marchingCube_min_valied_weight = 1.f;

	/** *****************************************************
	* warp field related
	* ******************************************************/
	// cannot be larger than warpField::knnK
	warp_knn_k_eachlevel[0] = 4;	// graph-pixel association
	warp_knn_k_eachlevel[1] = 4; // finest graph
	warp_knn_k_eachlevel[2] = KnnK;
	warp_knn_k_eachlevel[3] = KnnK;
	warp_param_softness = 0.05;
	warp_radius_search_beta = 2;
	warp_param_dw_lvup_scale = 0.01f;
	warp_point_step_before_update_node = 1;

	/** *****************************************************
	* dynamic fusion related
	* ******************************************************/
	fusion_max_weight = 512;   // cgw comment 
	fusion_lambda = 200;
	fusion_psi_data = 0.01;
	fusion_psi_reg = 0.001;
	fusion_rigid_distThre = 0.1f; // meter
	fusion_rigid_ICP_iter[0] = 8; // coarse level
	fusion_rigid_ICP_iter[1] = 4;
	fusion_rigid_ICP_iter[2] = 0; // finest level
	fusion_rigid_angleThreSin = sin(45.f*3.14159254f / 180.f);
	fusion_nonRigid_distThre = 0.03f; // meter
	fusion_nonRigid_angleThreSin = sin(90.f*3.14159254f / 180.f);

	fusion_nonRigidICP_maxIter = 3;
	fusion_GaussNewton_maxIter = 2;
	fusion_GaussNewton_diag_regTerm = 1e-5;
	fusion_GaussNewton_fixedStep = 0.;

	// debuging related
	fusion_dumping_each_frame = false;
	fusion_loading_mode = false;
	fusion_enable_nonRigidSolver = true;
	fusion_enable_rigidSolver = true;
	fusion_post_rigid_factor = true;
	fusion_dumping_max_frame = 8000;
	mirror_input = false; 
	load_frameIndx_plus_num = 1;
	solver_enable_nan_check = false;
	graph_single_level = true;  // cgw change to true 

	graph_remove_small_components_ratio = 0.1f; //code not ready, use this param>=1.f to disable

	if (graph_single_level)  // cgw change to true  // 
		fusion_lambda = 300;
		fusion_GaussNewton_fixedStep = 0.5f;
		warp_param_softness = 0.2;
		fusion_GaussNewton_diag_regTerm = 1e-6;

	/** *****************************************************
	* visualization related
	* ******************************************************/
	view_no_rigid = false;
	view_show_mesh = true;
	view_show_nodes = false;
	view_show_graph = false;
	view_show_corr = false;
	view_show_graph_level = 0;
	view_errorMap_range = 0.01;
	view_activeNode_id = -1;
	view_click_vert_xy[0] = view_click_vert_xy[1] = -1;
	view_show_color = false;

	view_autoreset = false;
	view_autoreset_seconds = 20;