Pytorch implementation of our paper accepted by CBM2021 -- Few-shot medical image segmentation using a global correlation network with discriminative embedding

Primary LanguagePython

Few-shot medical image segmentation using a global correlation network with discriminative embedding (CBM 2021) (Link)

A Pytorch Implementation of ''Few-shot medical image segmentation using a global correlation network with discriminative embedding'', which is accepted by the jounal of Computers in Biology and Medicine.


  • Python == 3.7.4
  • Pytorch == 1.1.0
  • Torchvision == 0.3.0
  • CUDA 8.0


Training and testing code is being organized and will be released soon.


Quantitative results on MRI measured in DC scores

Organ Liver Spleen Left Kidney Right Kidney mean
OSLSM 25.73 34.66 29.21 22.61 28.00
co-FCN 53.74 57.41 60.62 71.13 60.70
PANet 51.37 43.59 25.54 26.45 36.74
SG-One 50.33 42.41 26.79 24.16 35.92
SE-FSS 40.32 48.93 62.56 65.81 54.38
GCN 51.33 58.67 63.67 70.33 61.00
GCN-DE(Ours) 49.47 60.63 76.07 83.03 67.30

Quantitative results on CT measured in DC scores

Organ Liver Spleen Left Kidney Right Kidney mean
OSLSM 29.65 19.40 15.82 7.54 18.08
co-FCN 47.50 43.86 41.30 33.51 41.53
PANet 44.25 30.49 25.30 22.95 30.75
SG-One 44.98 30.88 26.79 20.88 30.88
SE-FSS 44.51 40.52 40.10 34.80 39.97
GCN 47.00 46.67 42.33 35.00 42.75
GCN-DE(Ours) 46.77 56.53 68.13 75.50 61.73


If you find this repository useful, please cite our paper:

  title={Few-shot medical image segmentation using a global correlation network with discriminative embedding},
  author={Sun, Liyan and Li, Chenxin and Ding, Xinghao and Huang, Yue and Chen, Zhong and Wang, Guisheng and Yu, Yizhou and Paisley, John},
  journal={Computers in biology and medicine},