☼ The 'Say Thanks' Project
Note: This project is in production, but your contributions are welcome!
Spreading Thankfulness in Open Source™
saythanks.io will provide a button/link for use by open source projects, to encourage users to send a simple thank you note to the creator (or creators) of that project.
This simple button/link can be added to READMEs and project documentation.
The author can then enjoy a nice inbox (ideally) filled with very small, thoughtful messages from the happy users of the software they enjoy to toil over.
Implementation Concepts
☤ The Basics
- Email when a new message of thankfulness is submitted (csrf enabled).
- Inbox page for each user/project with simple aggregation of messages (private).
☤ The Architecture
- Flask for API and Frontend, single application
- Auth0 for credential storage (in progress)
- Heroku for Hosting (done!)
- CloudFlare for SSL termination (done!)
- GitHub account creation, as well as passwordless email accounts
Intended Collaborators
- Erin "The X" O'Connell (Python)
- Tom "The Pythonist" Baker (Javascript)
- Tom "Sea of Clouds" Matthews (Logo and Graphic Design)
- Kenneth "Your Name Here Instead, Idan?" Reitz (Frontend Design)
Random Inspirational Links
Oh, Thanks!
By the way... thank you! And if you'd like to say thanks... :)