
Two-level homomorphic encryption for Node.js by WebAssembly

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

Two-level homomorphic encryption for Node.js by WebAssembly


This library supports two kinds of lifted ElGamal encryption,

  • which can add two ciphertexts many times, and
  • can multiply two ciphertexts once.

For two vectors x = (x1, ..., xn) and y = (y1, ..., yn), EncG1(x1) * EncG2(y1) + ... + EncG1(xn) * EncG2(yn) = EncGT(x1 * y1 + ... + xn * yn).

see mcl


  • 2020/Dec/27 change file layout
  • 2020/Dec/18 sec.decWithZkpDec(c, aux) returns [m, zkp] that zkp proves dec(c) = m for CipherTextGT c, and aux.verify(c, zkp, m) returns the correctness where aux = pub.getAuxiliaryForZkpDecGT().
  • 2020/Nov/06 sec.decWithZkpDec(c, pub) returns [m, zkp] that zkp proves dec(c) = m for CipherTextG1 c, and pub.verify(c, zkp, m) returns the correctness.


for Node.js

node test

How to use

The version v0.7.0 breaks backward compatibility of the entry point.

  • Node.js : const she = require('she-wasm')
  • React : const she = require('she-wasm/browser')
  • HTML : <script src="https://herumi.github.io/she-wasm/browser/she.js"></script>


How to build

Install emsdk

mkdir work
cd work
git clone git@github.com:herumi/mcl
git clone git@github.com:herumi/she-wasm
cd mcl
make she-wasm


modified new BSD License http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause


MITSUNARI Shigeo(herumi@nifty.com)

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