
react-native smart tip: ToastšŸ”„, SnackBaršŸ”„, ModalšŸ”„

Primary LanguageJavaScript


React-native smart tip, including Toast态Modal态SnackBar

GitHub license npm

2019.7 Remove the method in the componentWillMount method. Compatible with future React 17 versions, React-Native@0.6 version.


yarn add react-native-smart-tip
npm i react-native-smart-tip --save 





Show tips on Modal


import {WToast} from 'react-native-smart-tip'

// Base 
show = () => {
	WToast.show({data: 'hello world'})

// Other
show = () => {
	const toastOpts = {
	    data: 'Success',
	    textColor: '#ffffff',
	    backgroundColor: '#444444',
	    duration: WToast.duration.LONG, //1.SHORT 2.LONG
	    position: WToast.position.TOP, // 1.TOP 2.CENTER 3.BOTTOM
	    icon: <Image source={require('../data/img/success.png')} style={{width: 32,height: 32,resizeMode: 'contain'}}/>

WToast API
Props Type Required Default Description
data String true ' ' Displayed content
duration Number false WToast.duration.SHORT The duration of the toast
position Number false WToast.position.BOTTOM Displayed position
inEasing Easing false Easing.elastic(1) Admission animation
textColor String false 'white' font color
backgroundColor String false 'black' background color
icon Component fasse undefined Image to be displayed

import {WSnackBar} from 'react-native-smart-tip'

// Base 
show = () => {
	WSnackBar.show({data: 'hello world'})

// Other
show = () => {
	const snackBarOpts = {
	    data: 'Please check the network first.',
	    position: WSnackBar.position.BOTTOM, // 1.TOP 2.CENTER 3.BOTTOM
	    duration: WSnackBar.duration.LONG, //1.SHORT 2.LONG 3.INDEFINITE
	    textColor: '#ff490b',
	    backgroundColor: '#050405',
	    actionText: 'Sure',
	    actionTextColor: '#ff490b',
	    actionClick: ()=>{
	    	// Click Action

WSnackBar API
Props Type Required Default Description
data String true ' ' Displayed content
statusBarHeight Number false -1 Prevent Android statusBar
height Number false 44 Height to display
duration Number false WSnackBar.duration.SHORT The duration of the toast
position Number false WSnackBar.position.BOTTOM Displayed position
inEasing Easing false Easing.linear Admission animation
textColor String false 'white' font color
backgroundColor String false 'black' background color
actionText String false undefined action text
actionTextColor String false 'white' action text color
actionClick Function false undefined listener click

import {WModal} from 'react-native-smart-tip'

// Base 
show = () => {
	WModal.show({data: 'hello world'})

// Other
show = () => {
	const modalOpts = {
	    data: 'Loading',
	    textColor: '#fff',
	    backgroundColor: '#444444',
	    position: WModal.position.CENTER,
	    icon: <ActivityIndicator color='#fff' size={'large'}/>

WToast API
Props Type Required Default Description
data String true ' ' Displayed content
position Number false WToast.position.BOTTOM Displayed position
inEasing Easing false Easing.elastic(1) Admission animation
textColor String false 'white' font color
backgroundColor String false 'black' background color
icon Component fasse undefined Image to be displayed
onRequestClose Function false undefined Android Back
MIT Licensed