
[REVIEW] consider adding automated testing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Automated testing is a best practice for open source projects, reducing the risk of software regression through breaking changes. stemflow includes a mini_test module that appears to test many parts of the software, but this is run manually. I recommend adding automated tests in CI to verify (and to provide verification to users) that the software continues to function as expected.

Thank you for the suggestion! I agree that the test should be automatic.

I have made the mini_test automatic at each PR and push, testing on Python 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10.

I still kept the stemflow.manually_testing module and mini_test notebook in case any user is interested in it.

Besides, I added pre-commit for code trimming and auto-checking, as well as codecov statistics.

Related PRs: #9, #11 , #12

Closing this.