10601b project
A simple classification system that runs on CIFAR 10
FisherClassify.m: A simple multiclass fisher classifier
SVM_linearClassify.m: A simple linear multiclass SVM classifier
classify.m: A wrapper for classification algorithms
init.m: The initialization for VLfeat, configure the path before run this
localtest.m: The script for 5 fold test locally using given datasets, configure the path before run this
naivehog.m: A wrapper for simple hog feature extractor, using vl_hog
train.m: A wrapper for training algorithms
trainFisher.m: Training process for simple multiclass fisher classifier
trainSVM_linear.m: Training process for simple linear multiclass SVM classifier
trainSVM_linear_balanced.m: Training process for simple linear multiclass SVM classifier which uses tricks on C to enforce balance between data with positive and negative labels.