
Msgpack for HHVM (msgpack.org[HHVM])

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status: Build Status

Msgpack for HHVM, It is a msgpack binding for HHVM


  • msgpack_pack(mixed $input) : string; pack a input to msgpack, object and resource are not supported, array and other types supported, false on failure.
  • msgpack_unpack(string $pac) : mixed; unpack a msgpack.


$ git clone https://github.com/reeze/msgpack-hhvm
$ cd msgpack-hhvm
$ hphpize && cmake . && make
$ cp msgpack.so /path/to/your/hhvm/ext/dir

If you don't have hphpize program, please intall package hhvm-dev

$ sudo apt-get install hhvm-dev

Contribution and Issues

Feel free to send Pull Requests for bug report at: http://github.com/reeze/msgpack-hhvm/issues
