input widgets is all extends StatefulWidget, because they need to response the onTap gesture.
NumberButton. Rendering the number button (like 1,2,3...) and handling the onTap gesture.
OperatorButton. Rendering the operator button (like +,-,*...) and handling the onTap gesture.
ResultButton. Rendering the command button (like clear,equal...) and handling the onTap gesture.
output widgets is all extends StatelessWidget, because they are just rendering.
ResultDisplay. Rendering the current result and changing display when user tap a number button.
HistoryBlock. Rendering the calculation histories and changing display every time when user tap a valid button.
CalculatorPage is extends StatefulWidget and holding the List of result.
CalculatorPage receives every input widgets onTap event, makes a logical calculation for these input and decide what to display to output widgets.
This repo is inspired by react-calculator.
Thanks to the author's awesome idea and app ui.