
sever-side-app-chenyusi created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageGo

Sever side applications

This is a minimal example of an HTTP server (equivalently, a web server, or a server side app.) Go is a great language in which to write HTTP servers. E.g. see fans here and here and here and here. There are many more...that's just what jumped out at my searching around in a few minutes.

One of the nicest aspects of writing servers in Go is that everything you need is included in Go's standard library. That is, it's "batteries included"—you don't have to learn another framework in order to be productive.

How to complete this assignment

Completing this assignment is easy. You need to edit main.go to make it respond to HTTP GET requests at /nickname with your class nickname. E.g. my nickname is "bald-chicken" and so my webserver should respond at /nickname with "bald-chicken". It also needs to respond at the / URL, but the content isn't important.

Once your app is working, you should deploy it to Heroku (or some other place if you're a ninja and prefer to host it elsewhere). To do that, you'll need to sign up for a free Heroku account. Then you'll need to create a Heroku app. From my computer I would do that with a command like this, assuming I am in the directory where this file resides:

go mod init
heroku login
heroku create
git push heroku master

That will push your git master branch up to Heroku. The go mod init is used to create a go.mod file, which is how Heroku knows that we're using Go. Otherwise it's not needed. When you have a more complicated app that file will list your "dependencies"—other code that needs to be imported.

Testing (grading) your app

You can test your app at https://grading.656.mba/new/server-side-apps-1.

You can see my completed homework running at http://server-side-app.solutions.656.mba/


  • Make sure you commit your work using git and push it to GitHub
  • Deploy your app to Heroku
  • Submit both your GitHub repo URL and your app (Heroku) URL via the class website. If you don't do so, or you do so inaccurately, I won't be able to give you a grade that reflects your true awesomeness.