
A simple python based tool to deploy with oschina hook

Primary LanguagePython


A simple tool to pull code from oschina with webhook of oschina


This project aims to update your code automatically when you push data to oschina.

This project consists of two parts: The first part listens to a specifical port for POST request from git-oschina-hook, and then publish message; The second part subscribes to the channel and executes the script(automate.sh).


  1. You need to have redis-server installed(used for message delivery).

  2. Install dependences with pip install -r requirements.txt(recommend using virtualenv).

  3. Update the password(reserved in hook on oschina) in setting_sample.py, then rename to setting.py.

  4. Edit automate.sh(script which will be executed when you push to remote repo on oschina) as you wish.

  5. Run python2 app.py and python automate.py on your server.
