

Primary LanguagePython


Tensorflow+lstm+text_classify(support chinese text classification and variable batch_size)


Embedding + lstm + mean_pooling + Variable batch_size


Python 3.5 (> 3.0)

Tensorflow 1.2


  1. This is a multi-class text classification (sentence classification) problem.
  2. This model was built with LSTM(lstm/bi-lstm) and Word Embeddings(word2vec) on Tensorflow.
  3. It supports the variable batch size.(the batch size of test code(prediction) is 1)
  1. It supports Chinese text classification, but you need the pretrained word2vector model.
  1. I don't publish the data_helper.py , because you can write it according to yourself dataset.
(根据自己的数据集来写data_helper.py, 将数据集写到trainset 和devset两个变量即可,trainset 和devset中包括所有样本的数据和对应的label)

#python file

Mylstm.py: define the network: Embedding + lstm + mean_pooling

My_bi-lstm.py: define the network: Embedding + bi-lstm + mean_pooling

train.py: train the network

注: 欢迎指正讨论.