
Rime of Evolution

Rime Input Method Engine

First of all, I love Rime.

If you want to type simplified and output tranditional words, please install opencc.

Install Rime for IBus

sudo apt install ibus-rime opencc

mkdir -p ~/.config/ibus/rime
cp -r * ~/.config/ibus/rime/

Install Rime for Fcitx

sudo apt install fcitx-rime opencc

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fcitx5/rime
cp -r * ~/.local/share/fcitx5/rime/

Restart IBus Rime

ibus-daemon -xdr

Rime on MacOS

brew cask install squirrel

cp -r * ~/Library/Rime/

Avoid period with double-space: System -> Keyboard -> Text -> unselect Add period with double-space

Rime on Windows

cp -r * /mnt/c/Users/zhiwei/AppData/Roaming/Rime/
