React Sign Up and Log In

⚙️ Features

[Sign Up]

  • A user can create an account in three different ways: using own email, Facebook account, or Google account.
  • Once sign up is completed, user data (email, username) are saved in Firebase Firestore.
  • Any falsy values on the inputs can be detected and show an alert message if there are any errors.

[Log In]

  • A user can log in with email, Facbook account, or Google account.
  • If email does not exist, an alert message is shown.


  • A user is able to change his/her user name, email address, or profile photo.
  • If a user changes and saves data, they are updated on Firestore and Storage accordingly.

📌 Lessons from the project

  • Learned how to implement CRUD application in React with Firebase Web SDK.
  • Understood set ups to use React Context.
  • Set up routings with React Router.

👩🏻‍🔧 Future Improvement

  • Organize codes by reducing repetitive codes especially on Dashboard component.

💻 Technologies

  • SCSS
  • React
  • Firebase

🔨 Set up

  • Download and install Git
  • > git clone
  • > npm install
  • > npm start