
Simple class WebAnimation for perform an animation on the web via JavaScript. It is based on requestAnimationFrame for performance.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

MIT license


Simple class WebAnimation for perform an animation on the web via JavaScript. It is based on requestAnimationFrame for performance.

  • Based on requestAnimationFrame for performance.
  • It allows to use any functions fo easing.
  • Easy to use for looped animation.

1. How to install

> npm install @cheprasov/web-animation
import WebAnimation from '@cheprasov/web-animation';

2. Quick examples

Example 1: Moving div to left on 500px for 2 sec with easing f(x) = n^2.

import WebAnimation from '@cheprasov/web-animation';

const div1 = document.getElementById('div1');

const animation = new WebAnimation({
    duration: 2000,
    easing: n => n ** 2,

const move = 500;

animation.setOnStep((progress) => {
    const shiftX = progress.tween * move;
    div1.style.transform = `translate3d(${shiftX}px, 0, 0)`;

animation.setOnFinish(() => {
    div1.style.transform = 'none';
    div1.style.left = `${move}px`;


3. Documentation

constructor ( options = {...} )

  • duration: number, optional, default = 1000. Duration time (ms) for animation.

  • easing: function, optional, default = (n => n). Easing function for animation tween. Arguments:

    • ratio: number - Ratio of elapsedTime / duration

    Returns number. Return of the function will be used like tween for animation progress.

  • rAF: function, optional, default = window.requestAnimationFrame. Function for animation tick. Arguments:

    • function - the functions which should be called on animation tick.
  • onStep: function, optional, default = null. Function will be called on each animation step. Arguments:

    • progress - object with progress state of animation (see more below).
    • animation - link to instance of WebAnimation class.
  • onStop: function, optional, default = null. Function will be called when animation terminated by call stop() method. Arguments:

    • progress - object with progress state of animation (see more below).
    • animation - link to instance of WebAnimation class.
  • onFinish: function, optional, default = null. Function will be called when animation is finished. Arguments:

    • progress - object with progress state of animation (see more below).
    • animation - link to instance of WebAnimation class.


const options = {
    duration: 2000,
    easing: n => n ** 2,
    onStep: (progress) => {
        someDiv.style.opacity = progress.tween;
    onFinish: (progress) => {
        someDiv.style.display = 'none';

const animation = new WebAnimation(options);

Object progress for onStep, onStop, onFinish methods

  • elapsedTime: number - Elapsed time
  • ratio: number - Ratio of elapsed time / duration. 0 <= n <= 1
  • tween: number - Tween value for animation. tween = easing(ratio)
  • isFinished: boolean - Is animation finished?


    elapsedTime: 1000,
    ratio: 0.2,
    tween: 0.04,
    isFinished: false,


Method run to perform animation.

const animation = new WebAnimation();


Method run to stop animation. It will call onStop callback;

const animation = new WebAnimation({
    duration: 1000,
    onStop: (progress) => {
        console.log('Animation progress', progress);    


setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);


Setter for onStop callback.

animation.setOnStop((progress, animation) => {
    console.log('Animation is stopped');


Setter for onStep callback.

animation.setOnStep((progress, animation) => {
    console.log('Animation step');


Setter for onFinish callback.

animation.setOnFinish((progress, animation) => {
    console.log('Animation is finished');

getProgress(): progress

Get progress state of animation. See progress object above.

setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('Animation progress', animation.getProgress());
}, 100);

Something does not work

Feel free to fork project, fix bugs, tests and finally request for pull