
Ansible role to generate proper apt sources (debian and ubuntu)

Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0


This role generates a proper /etc/apt/sources.list file and updates the repository cache if necessary.


A running Debian-based system.

Role Variables

Name               Type     Default/Required ¹ Description                  
apt_sources_ubuntu dict see apt_sources_ubuntu Apt source config for Ubuntu systems
apt_sources_debian dict see apt_sources_debian Apt source config for Debian systems
apt_sources_additional_source_strings list of strings [] Additional apt sources to add (each string is an additional line in /etc/apt/sources.list without any modifications)(This option will be overwritten by the release specific ones)
apt_sources_default_release string with release name Add default release to preferences to allow installing packages from another release version.


Option Key              Type     Default/Required ¹   Description
release string {{ ansible_distribution_release }} Release string to set
mirror string http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ Mirror to use for apt entries (The trailing / is required)
enable_sources boolean False Enable deb-src entries
components list of strings ['main', 'universe'] Components to enable (valid values are: main, restricted, universe, multiverse)
security_repo boolean True Enable security repository
update_repo boolean True Enable general update repository
backports boolean False Enable backports repository
proposed boolean False Enable proposed repository
canonical boolean False Enable ubuntu partner (canonical) repository
canonical_mirror string http://archive.canonical.com/ Ubuntu canonical mirror to use
additional_source_strings list of strings Additional apt sources to add (each string is additional line in /etc/apt/sources.list without any modifications)


Option Key          Type     Default/Required ¹   Description
release string {{ ansible_distribution_release }} Release string to set
mirror string http://ftp.de.debian.org/ Mirror to use for apt entries (The trailing / is required)
enable_sources boolean False Enable deb-src entries
components list of strings ['main', 'contrib'] Components to enable (valid values are: main, contrib, non-free)
security_repo boolean True Enable security repository
update_repo boolean True Enable general update repository
backports boolean False Enable backports repository
additional_source_strings list of strings Additional apt sources to add (each string is an additional line in /etc/apt/sources.list without any modifications)

¹ Variable is not required unless no default is given or other specified


All defaults can be adapted by setting the respective variable, prepended by apt_sources_ubuntu_, or apt_sources_debian_. See also defaults/main.yml.

Example Configuration

  mirror: http://ftp.us.debian.org/

    - main
    - restricted
    - universe
    - multiverse


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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