Eunomia is a simple file based queue, that allows you to keep local tasks and continue them
even if your process crashes, allowing for safer workloads.
The usage is pretty straight forward you can start by doing
go get
This is the simplest possible example:
queue:=eunomia.NewQueue("queue-name", serializer)
queueLength:=queue.Size() // 2element:=queue.Peek()
queueLength:=queue.Size() // 2element=queue.Poll()
queueLength:=queue.Size() // 1queue.Delete() // dangerous, will delete the file
Each queue is associated with 1 datatype, and should be provided a Serializer instance, an element that knows how
to convert your data type to/from a []byte.
How Eunomia stores data?
Serialisation format
Eunomia writes data to disk in the following format.
Every row is 8 bytes
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Version | Flags
Element count
Head offset
Tail offset
Queue elements ...
version: A number for backward compatibilty guarentees, changing the number of the version can mean breaking changes
in the encoding format if we in future version change the encoding format by updating some offset, users can only update
existing queue files if the version written to the file matches the one in the queue library.
flags: Gives (potential) additional information on how the format of the queue (bounded, compressed ...)
Element count: The number of elements currently in the queue.
Head offset: The index of the head element, it points to the element that will be seen after a call to Peek
Tail offset: The index of the tail element, it points to the last element in the queue, calling Add will update the
tail to point to the next location.
Each QueueElement is encoded as:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Element length
Element data ...
You can contribute with creating issues, or solving them by submitting PR's or just by adding feature requests.