A library containing a set of probabilstic data structures that I found interesting while researching the subject.
A bloom filter is a great data structure to do set membership queries on large number of elements with very little memory footprint.
An example usage:
package main
import (
type String string
func (i String) Bytes() []byte {
return []byte(i)
func main() {
bf, _ := maybe.NewBloomFilter(1024, 3)
if bf.Has(String("hello")) {
fmt.Println("Found Hello in bloom filter")
A count min sketch is a data structure to estimate the count of elements in a large set of events with a very little memory footprint.
An example usage:
package main
import (
type String string
func (i String) Bytes() []byte {
return []byte(i)
func main() {
sk := maybe.NewCountMinSketch(1024, 3)
sk.Add(String("hello1"), 2)
A HyperLogLog is an excelement data structure for cardinality estimation, it allows you to estimate the size of a set with a very reasonable controllable accuracy, and with very little memory footprint.
an example usage:
package main
import (
type String string
func (i String) Bytes() []byte {
return []byte(i)
func main() {
hll, _ := maybe.NewHyperLogLog(10)
fmt.Println(4 == hll.Cardinality())