
Tic Tac Toe Python Script

Primary LanguagePython

This is my core Python project, what have some limitations and space to upgrade.
Just looking to boost my portfolio with many projects,
this can use some Tinkter GUI or make it fully OOP - TIC- TAC- TOE, but I decide for simple script.

Game Summary:
    First you have option about choose 'y' to play game or any other keyword to stop game ask prompt;
    Second you check 'comp' to computer have first move, or pick 'you' and the user plays first.
    Then user picks with which sign he will play game : 'X' or 'O';
    User choose empty positions from 0 - 8 and TRYing to win computer.
    GOOD LUCK with script. I hope it helped someone to expand it and make better version then myown!
    i've trying to create simpler script, cuz i have bad scroll on my mouse(NO LONG CODE FOR THIS PROJECT GAME)! :D