Junethack is a server for holding tournaments for the roguelike game NetHack and its forks.
This server collects data from several external public servers and show achievements and trophies for the participating players.
- ruby 1.9.3
- curl
- sqlite3
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/junethack/Junethack.git junethack
Install the Ruby interpreter. Example using RVM:
\curl -#L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm install `cat junethack/.ruby-version`
Install all required rubygems:
cd junethack
bundle install
Start the server
Use httrack to make a static copy of the website:
# httrack -O /tmp/junethack_mirror '-*' -%v --max-rate=1000000
# mv /tmp/junethack_mirror/ public/archive/2013
Edit the archive links to the previous Junethack tournaments in public/archive/2013/index.html. Also add a link to the the new Junethack archive in views/splash.haml.
Add and commit the the repository.
TODO: more documentation, distinction prod/dev env, maintenance mode, manually fetching games, dummy users