
Source of Inspiration When one our of members visited Google Android Research center in Silicon Valley last year, he couldn't go into the campus to visit, because there wasn't any way to do so - no scheduled tours or friends who worked at Google to give him a tour. Yet back in Shanghai, because he had a friend who worked in the Google Shanghai Office, he got a tour of the office. Most students don't have the same opportunity. This was the inspiration behind Visitor: to connect Companies and students so that students can visit companies that they wish to work for.

How to Use It Upon registration, users are prompted to update their skillset and education background. These will be used to suggest campus tours and other social/business networking events for users. Alternatively, users can search for events or search by their industry of interest. They can signup for events, comment on events they've attended, upvote and follow companies.

Challenges Encountered We had a lot of features that we wanted to implement, but we had to priortize these features in order to complete them in the time alloted.

Our Achievements We are very proud to have made a platform that bridges students/job-seekers and businesses via campus tours and events.

What We Learnt It was some of our first time using Node.js, express, and MongoDB. And communicating between the backend and the frontend was a little bit rough in the beginning, but we learnt to cooperate well and communicate effectively as a team.

What's Next We would like to make this platform available for companies and institutions so they can reach out to individuals. In addition, we would like to promote this app to college students and expand the app commercially. As well, there are some additional features/functions we would like to improve in the app.