A utility library for Android designed to simplify reading meta-data values from AndroidManifest.xml.
- Quickly access a meta-data values from anywhere with few lines of code.
- Read individual meta-data values into type-specific variables.
- Instantiate objects from meta-data values.
- Read one or more meta-data values into annotated Java classes.
- Use meta-data values to pass configuration parameters to third-party libraries.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
compile com.onehilltech.android:android-metadata:x.y.z
Here is the quickest and easiest way to load the metadata from AndroidManifest.xml and get a value. The value, by default, is a String value type.
ManifestMetadata metadata = ManifestMetadata.get (context);
// <meta-data android:name="appid" android:value="32ba65ae723940" />
String value = metadata.getValue ("appid");
If the value is not a String type, then you can provide a hint:
ManifestMetadata metadata = ManifestMetadata.get (context);
// <meta-data android:name="conn.timeout" android:value="60" />
Integer connTimeout = metadata.getValue ("conn.timeout", Integer.class);
You can even directly load a resource from the metadata:
ManifestMetadata metadata = ManifestMetadata.get (context);
// <meta-data android:name="appname" android:resource="@string/app_name" />
String appName = metadata.getValue ("appname", true, String.class);
In some cases, you may need to provide additional information about the resource type since different resources types can have the same Java type:
ManifestMetadata metadata = ManifestMetadata.get (context);
// <meta-data android:name="bgcolor" android:resource="@color/background" />
Integer bgColor = metadata.getValue ("bgcolor", true, Integer.class, ResourceType.Color);
Here is the simplest example of using an annotation to define what meta-data value in AndroidManifest.xml it should be initialized with:
public class MyData {
private String appid_;
@MetadataProperty (name="my.message")
public String message;
@MetadataMethod (name="appid")
public void setAppId (String appid) {
this.appid_ = appid;
In the example above, the field message will be initialized with the value of meta-data tag named my.message. You initialize all values with the @Metadata annotation using a single line of code:
MyData myData = new MyData ();
ManifestMetadata.get (context).initFromMetadata (myData);
This method will auto-detect the target type, and then assign the value. If the field is not assignable using the meta-data's value, then an exception will be thrown.
In some cases, you will want to read the value from a resource (i.e., you use android:resource in the meta-data tag). You can use the @Metadata annotation to read resource values as well:
public class MyData {
private String appid_;
@MetadataProperty (name="my.message", fromResource=true)
public String message;
@MetadataMethod (name="appid", fromResource=true)
public void setAppId (String appid) {
this.appid_ = appid;
There are some resources that have the same field type, such as integer and color. This makes it hard to auto-detect the resources type. We can therefore provide a hint as follows:
public class MyData {
@MetadataProperty (name="my.message", fromResource=true, resourceType=ResourceType.Color)
public int backgroundColor;
In the example above, the value for backgroundColor will be loaded from resources and interpreted as a color.