
Correlate Fitbit activity with Swarm gym visits.

Primary LanguageRuby


Correlate Fitbit activity with Swarm gym visits. Uses Fitbit and Foursquare APIs.

How to Develop

You will need Ruby, Rubygems, PostgreSQL, and npm installed.

bundle install
npm install
bin/rake db:setup
cp dotenv.sample .env

Create a Fitbit app with http://localhost:3000/users/auth/fitbit/callback as a callback URL. Create a Foursquare app with http://localhost:3000/users/auth/foursquare/callback as a redirect URI. Modify .env with your values.

bundle exec rails s
open http://localhost:3000

Visit localhost:3000.

To add a new JavaScript package: npm install WHATEVER_PACKAGE --save

How to Test

npm test # to run the JavaScript style checker and JavaScript tests
bundle exec rspec # to run Rails tests