- 3
Feature request: provide `extGcd'` returning GCD and both Bézout's coefficients
#91 opened by ulysses4ever - 3
- 15
- 2
Document list instance
#82 opened by andreasabel - 9
Support window?
#73 opened by kozross - 2
semirings doesn't build with ghc-7.4.2
#68 opened by andrewthad - 1
Ord instance is backward?
#69 opened by danielsmw - 8
- 7
- 8
Tropical semirings
#32 opened by chessai - 1
semirings 0.5.2 released
#54 opened by chessai - 2
Mention RebindableSyntax in haddocks
#51 opened by Bodigrim - 0
Implement extended gcd
#52 opened by Bodigrim - 5
missing instances for GcdDomain/Euclidean
#49 opened by chessai - 2
WrappedFractional's Ring instance requires Fractional, but its semiring instance only requires Num
#50 opened by chessai - 13
Add fields
#36 opened by masaeedu - 5
Ring vs. Num
#40 opened by Bodigrim - 6
semiring newtype over Bool
#45 opened by chessai - 2
Remove Ring instance for Natural
#43 opened by Bodigrim - 2
- 2
0.4 release
#42 opened by chessai - 3
Add some useful predicates
#37 opened by chessai - 9
Does not build on Windows
#34 opened by Bodigrim - 6
make instance of Data.Map more efficient
#10 opened by chessai - 1
add instances for things from Primitive
#14 opened by chessai - 0
IntMap, IntSet need newtype instances
#18 opened by chessai - 1
Instances for Sum and Product
#28 opened by Bodigrim - 5
- 5
Commutative vs. associative
#26 opened by Bodigrim - 5
(^) is stimes
#24 opened by Bodigrim - 5
Instance for []
#22 opened by Bodigrim - 3
Does not build with GHC 7.4
#19 opened by andrewthad - 3
#20 opened by Bodigrim - 1
Rationals are only semirings when both numerator and denominator are positive integers
#17 opened by chessai - 0
Float, Double, Complex
#16 opened by chessai - 1
make newtypes for Maybe instances
#3 opened by chessai - 0
some instances are unlawful!
#15 opened by chessai - 6
New poly type for faster multiplication
#8 opened by aljce - 0
specialisations and rewrite rules
#9 opened by chessai - 1
Multiplication of polynomials is terrible
#7 opened by aljce - 1
- 2
- 5
implement Monad instance for Poly
#6 opened by chessai - 0
- 0
change Alt instance to WrappedApplicative
#1 opened by chessai