
Automated python package build server

Primary LanguagePython

Code Climate contributions welcome

An automated build server written for Python (but should work with most other languages), runs under python2 or python3


Monitors git repository either by polling or listening for webhook messages, and when new tagged versions are released, builds and uploads to your chosen repository.

  • Features
    • Bitbucket and Github webhook support
    • Has a super cool API (not really, only 3 payloads are supported)
    • Can run tests before building and uploading
    • Updates build status of tagged commits
    • keeps a record of builds


sudo pip2 install py-build-server

You will need to modify config.yaml file in /etc/py-build-server/ to match your deployment:

# this file belongs in /etc/py-build-server/config/yaml
# Demo entry using all possible config options: O denotes optionals
### this section defines where to store build output logs
# build_log_storage:
#     dir: /var/lib/py-build-server/builds
### this section defines how to start the API server
### api and repository_update_method cannot bind to the same address, port and subdomain
# api:
#     listen_address:         # listen on this address
#     strict_port_checking: true        # (O) setting to false may let the api accept requests intended
#                                       #     for another module
#     port: 9832                        # port to listen on
#     subdomain: /api                   # subdomain to bind to
### this section defines how to check for changes
# repository_update_method: polling     # (O) poll git repo
# repository_update_method:             # (O) --alternatively--
#     github_webhook:                   # (O) specify webhook to recieve notifications from github
#         subdomain: /github            # listen to this subdomain (http://<your_url/)
#         listen_address:   # listen on this address
#         port: 8080                    # listen on this port
#     bitbucket_webhook:                # (O) specify webhook to recieve notifications from github
#         subdomain: /bitbucket         # listen to this subdomain (http://<your_url/)
#         listen_address:   # listen on this address
#         port: 8090                    # listen on this port
### this section set logging options
# logging:                              # (O)
#     level: debug                      # (O) DEBUG|WARN|INFO|ERROR|OFF (case doesnt matter)
### this section sets repository specific settings
# repositories:
#     py_build_server:                  # repository name, as seen by remote
#         dir: /home/max/git/py_build_server
#         update_method: github_webhook # (O) bitbucket_webhook|github_webhook|polling (default: polling)
#         repository_api:
#             type: github
#             owner:
#             username:
#             password:
#             target_url:                 # url to view build status
#             context:                    # (O) identifier for this CI server (github only)
#             key: <something atlassian>  
#             name: <...moar atlassian>   
#         interval: 10                  # (O) minutes between repo checks (only needed if polling)
#         remote: origin                # (O) remote name to fetch (default: origin)
#         tests:                        # (O) if set, run all tests listed here
#             - command: cd {repository_dir}; nosetests -v 
#               name: nosetests         # name to associate the test log with
#               failure_regex: FAILED  
#               success_regex: ok
#         release_conf:                 # details how to build and release your repository
#             build_command: cd {repository_dir}; python setup.py sdist
#             upload_command: twine upload {repository_dir}/dist/* -u <username> -p <password
#             cleanup_command: rm -rf {repository_dir}/dist


curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '<JSON_PAYLOAD>' http://<listen_address>:<port><subdomain>/

The API supports the following POST requests:

  • Trigger build and upload of the latest tag:
    • JSON payload {"event":"new_tag","repository":"<repo_name>"}
  • List repositories registered with the API:
    • JSON payload {"event":"list_repositories"}
  • List all repository object attributes:
    • JSON payload {"event":"list_repository","repository":"<repo_name>"}


This program is written as a daemon process. If you are going to be running it under systemd, create a unit that calls py-build-server foreground