Termy is for creating a simple and attractive UI for the terminal, ranging from clickable links to simple buttons, termy has it all!
This is a big project for me hence, I need help maintaining it, if you are interested, shoot an email at - agchetna4@gmail.com
a simple demo with TermyUI.
First, you need to install Termy, for that run the following command -
```pip install termyUI``
from termy import *
import os
import webbrowser
ter = Termy()
def option_1():
def option_2():
ter.head_text("TermyUI", color="red", style=["bold"])
ter.p("Write 'python -m termy' in the terminal for all the functions and commands for using termy!", color="blue", style=["bold"])
options = [
("Option 1", option_1),
("Option 2", option_2),
choice = ter.btn("Select an option:", options)