Appium mobile test automation framework with Page Object Model design using Java + Cucumber + Maven + TestNG. Framework follows many of the industry best practices and supports Android and iOS in a single code base.
Step by step instructions to build this framework from scratch is in this Highest Rated Udemy course. Enroll today at the minimal rate of INR 570/ $12.99. Link with coupon code:
- IntelliJ - IDE
- Appium - Mobile Automation library
- Maven - Build automation tool
- Java - Programming language
- Cucumber - BDD
- Gherkin - DSL
- TestNG - Test Management library
- Log4J - Logging framework
- Extent Reports - Reporting framework
- JSON - Test Data
- XML - Static text
- GitHub - Version control
- Jenkins - CI/CD
- Code reusability
- Code readability
- Scalable automation (demonstrated using multiple test classes)
- Uses explicit waits
- Abstraction layer for UI commands like click, sendkeys, etc.
- Parameterization using TestNG XML and
- Abstraction layer for test data
- Abstraction layer for static text
- Supports iOS and Android
- Demonstrates how to define UI elements that are common across pages (e.g. menu bar, side bar, etc.)
- How to recover from test failure/ how to write fail safe test cases
- Scrolling for both Android and iOS (using touchaction, uiScrollable, mobile:scroll)
- Demonstrates how to effectively capture Screenshots/Videos
- Supports parallel execution using TestNG
- Supports parallel execution on multiple real Android and iOS devices
- Start Appium server propgrammatically
- Supports Cucumber-HTML-Reporter plugin
- Integrated with Log4J2 Logging framework