
An object relational mapping (with additional functionality) for the LIDC dataset using sqlalchemy.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


pylidc is a python library intended to enhance workflow associated with the LIDC dataset, including utilities for both querying by attributes (e.g., collecting all annotations where malignancy is labeled as greater than 3 and spiculation is labeled a value equal to 1), and for common functional routines that act on the associated data (e.g., estimating the diameter or volume of a nodule from one of its annotations).

Routines for visualizing the annotations, both atop the CT data and as a surface in 3D, are implemented. These functionalities are implemented via an object relational mapping (ORM), using sqlalchemy to an sqlite database containing the annotation information from the XML files provided by the LIDC dataset.

Table of Contents

Installation and setup

pylidc has been used on Linux, Mac, and Windows, and on Python 2 and 3.

The package can be installed via pip:

pip install pylidc

Dicom file directory configuration

While pylidc has many functions for analyzing and querying only annotation data (which do not require DICOM image data access), pylidc also has many functions that do require access to the DICOM files associated with the LIDC dataset. pylidc looks for a special configuration file that tells it where DICOM data is located on your system. You can use pylidc without creating this configuration file, but of course, any functions that depend on CT image data will not be usable.

pylidc looks in your home folder for a configuration file called, .pylidcrc on Mac and Linux, or pylidc.conf on Windows. You must create this file. On Linux and Mac, the file should be located at /home/[user]/.pylidcrc. On Windows, the file should be located at C:\Users\[User]\pylidc.conf.

The configuration file should be formatted as follows:

path = /path/to/big_external_drive/datasets/LIDC-IDRI
warn = True

If you want to use pylidc without utilizing the DICOM data (for say, querying annotation attributes, etc.), you can remove path and set warn to False, i.e.,

warn = False

and the module won't bother you about it each time you import the module.

The expected folder hierarchy in the specified path is: PatientID > StudyInstanceUID > SeriesInstanceUID > *.dcm. If you downloaded the data from the TCIA site, the folder hierarchy will (probably!) already be formatted in this way.


If you find pylidc helpful to your research, you could cite by noting that software was developed for, and first mentioned in, the following publication:

Matthew C. Hancock, Jerry F. Magnan. Lung nodule malignancy classification using only radiologist quantified image features as inputs to statistical learning algorithms: probing the Lung Image Database Consortium dataset with two statistical learning methods. SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging. Dec. 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/1.JMI.3.4.044504

Example usage

Basic examples

There are three data models: Scan, Annotation, and Contour. The relationships are "one to many" for each model going left to right, i.e., Scan's have many Annotation's, and Annotation's have many Contour's. The main models to query are the Scan and Annotation models.

The main workhorse for querying is the pylidc.query function. This function just wraps the sqlalchemy.query function.

The Scan model

Here's some example usage for querying scan objects.

import pylidc as pl

qu = pl.query(pl.Scan).filter(pl.Scan.slice_thickness <= 1)
# => 97

scan = qu.first()
print(scan.patient_id, scan.pixel_spacing, scan.slice_thickness)
# => LIDC-IDRI-0066, 0.63671875, 0.6

# => 11

# '/path/to/big_external_drive/datasets/LIDC-IDRI/LIDC-IDRI-0066/'

You can engage an interactive slice view by calling:


Note that calling visualize on a scan object doesn't include its annotation information -- you must call the visualize_in_scan member function of an Annotation object to do this.

The Annotation model

Let's grab the first annotation from the Scan object above:

ann = scan.annotations[0]
# => LIDC-IDRI-0066

print(ann.spiculation, ann.Spiculation())
# => 3, Medium Spiculation

print(ann.estimate_diameter(), ann.estimate_volume())
# => 15.4920358194, 888.052284241

# => Feature              Meaning                    # 
# => -                    -                          - 
# => Subtlety           | Obvious                  | 5 
# => Internalstructure  | Soft Tissue              | 1 
# => Calcification      | Absent                   | 6 
# => Sphericity         | Ovoid                    | 3 
# => Margin             | Poorly Defined           | 1 
# => Lobulation         | Near Marked Lobulation   | 4 
# => Spiculation        | Medium Spiculation       | 3 
# => Texture            | Solid                    | 5 
# => Malignancy         | Moderately Suspicious    | 4

from pylidc.Annotation import feature_names as fnames
fvals, fstrings = ann.feature_vals(return_str=True)
print(fnames[0].title(), fstrings[0], fvals[0])
# => Subtlety, Obvious, 5

Let's try a different query on the annotations directly:

qu = pl.query(pl.Annotation).filter(pl.Annotation.lobulation > 3, pl.Annotation.malignancy == 5)
# => 183

ann = qu.first()
print(ann.lobulation, ann.Lobulation(), ann.malignancy, ann.Malignancy())
# => 4, Near Marked Lobulation, 5, Highly Suspicious

# => 8

# => (671, 3)

print(ann.contours_to_matrix().mean(axis=0) - ann.centroid())
# => [ 0.  0.  0.]

You can engage an interactive slice viewer that displays annotation values and the radiologist-drawn contours:


You can also view the nodule contours in 3d by calling:


Advanced queries

Get a random result

One common objective for data exploration is to grab a random instance from some query. You can accomplish this by import func from sqlalchemy, and using random.

from sqlalchemy import func
scan = pl.query(pl.Scan).filter(pl.Scan.contrast_used == True).order_by(func.random()).first()
ann  = pl.query(pl.Annotation).filter(pl.Annotation.malignancy == 5).order_by(func.random()).first()

The first query grabs a random Scan instance where contrast is used. The second query grabs a random Annotation instance where malignancy is equal to 5.

Query multiple model parameters with a join

Another common objective is to query for an Annotation object which is constrained by its corresponding Scan in some way. For example:

anns = pl.query(pl.Annotation).join(pl.Scan).filter(pl.Scan.slice_thickness < 1, pl.Annotation.malignancy != 3)

Resampling the volumes

The Annotation member function, uniform_cubic_resample, takes a cubic region of interest with the centroid at the center of the volume. The corresponding CT value volume is resampled to have voxel spacing of 1 millimeter and a side length as given by the functions side_length parameter. Along with the uniformly resampled, cubic CT image volume, a corresponding boolean-valued volume is also returned that is 1 where the nodule exists in the resampled CT volume and 0 otherwise.

import pylidc as pl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage.measure import find_contours

ann = pl.query(pl.Annotation).first()
vol, seg = ann.uniform_cubic_resample(side_length = 100)
print(vol.shape, seg.shape)
# => (101, 101, 101) (101, 101, 101)

# View middle slice of interpolated volume (pixel spacing now = 1mm)
plt.imshow(vol[:,:,50], cmap=plt.cm.gray)

# View middle slice of interpolated segmentation volume as contours
# atop the interpolated image.
contours = find_contours(seg[:,:,50], 0.5)
for contour in contours:
    plt.plot(contour[:,1], contour[:,0], '-r')


Clustering annotations to identify those which refer to the same physical nodule.

The LIDC dataset doesn't assign unique global identifiers to the physical nodules. For a given physical nodule, there may exist up to 4 annotations that refer to it. The annotations are anonymous, so even if it is known that 4 annotations refer to the same nodule, it is impossible to tell which annotator provided each annotation across multiple nodules consistently.

However, we can estimate when annotations refer to the same physical nodule in a scan by examining the properties of the annotations and clustering them based on the properties. pylidc provides a number of distance metrics between annotations based on the annotation contour coordinates. The Scan model provides a cluster_annotations function which then clusters annotations by determining the connected components of the adjacency graph associated with a chosen distance-between-annotations metric and a chosen distance tolerance.

Here's an example:

import pylidc as pl

scan = pl.query(pl.Scan).first()
nods = scan.cluster_annotations()

print "Scan is estimated to have", len(nods), "nodules."

for i,nod in enumerate(nods):
    print "Nodule", i+1, "has", len(nod), "annotations."
        for j,ann in enumerate(nod):
            print "-- Annotation", j+1, "centroid:", ann.centroid()


Scan is estimated to have 4 nodules.
Nodule 1 has 4 annotations.
-- Annotation 1 centroid: [  331.90680101   312.30982368  1480.44962217]
-- Annotation 2 centroid: [  328.60546875   309.91796875  1479.73046875]
-- Annotation 3 centroid: [  327.91666667   309.88293651  1479.01785714]
-- Annotation 4 centroid: [  332.55660377   313.88050314  1479.94339623]
Nodule 2 has 4 annotations.
-- Annotation 1 centroid: [  360.81122449   169.19642857  1542.10459184]
-- Annotation 2 centroid: [  360.82233503   169.21319797  1542.14720812]
-- Annotation 3 centroid: [  361.05243446   168.86142322  1542.34269663]
-- Annotation 4 centroid: [  361.25501433   171.          1542.80659026]
Nodule 3 has 1 annotations.
-- Annotation 1 centroid: [  336.41666667   348.83333333  1545.75      ]
Nodule 4 has 4 annotations.
-- Annotation 1 centroid: [  340.54020979   245.07692308  1606.14160839]
-- Annotation 2 centroid: [  341.29061103   244.65275708  1605.90834575]
-- Annotation 3 centroid: [  341.75417299   244.03490137  1606.95827011]
-- Annotation 4 centroid: [  341.53110048   245.58532695  1606.5       ]

You can supply annotation clusters (variable, nods, above) to the scan.visualize function, and arrows will annotate where the nodules are present in the scan.